This is the second part in a series of blog posts about late 19th and early 20th Century vampire fiction. The first can be found here.
From Flora to
Lucy, resistance to weakness:
the vampires in early vampire fiction are encoded as effeminate, they
find their sustenance, their reproduction, in the weakness, the
leakiness, of women. True, not all women succumb. Much of the point
of Varney, the Vampyre –
if that particular book has a point
– is that most young women of virtue will not be
won over by a well dressed stranger with a charming tongue. Even the
narrator of Carmilla, half-seduced, draws back from her
vampire-lover's overt declaration of romantic love.
It is
only in The Vampyre that
we see women as wholly, irrevocably flawed, that we see this
effeminacy an innate characteristic that even the most 'feminine'
possess: "Remember your oath, and know, if not my bride today,
your sister is dishonoured. Women are frail!"
the end of the 19th
Century, and beginning of the 20th
the frail nature of femininity, its tendency towards effeminacy -
become the crux of the vampire narrative. Damn these women, after
all, with their bodies that don't give clear signals, their endless
'potential' that only serves to tempt upstanding men! Damn the way
the fall out all over the place, their ... fleshy appendages, their
wandering wombs, refusal to be contained by our discourses of virtue,
of femininity.
Okay, maybe not that thin |
And as
the female victims fail to remain in their divinely ordained place,
so the male vampires cease to be contained by the their skins. From
the sang froid of
Ruthven, the skeletally thin Varney with his flat, tin coloured eyes,
we move the Von Klatka (1860) and Dracula (1897) – no longer
serpentine agents of seduction but undeniable lumps of carnal flesh.
Beginning their
stories withered, thin, even desiccated, the blood they drink
destroys their masculinity. Their cheeks and lips are rouged by it,
their mouths become fuller, more sensual. They grow lethargic,
glutted and glutinous, getting something of Carmilla's languor with
nothing of her cool attractiveness. Yet, despite becoming less male,
less 'human', despite becoming more of the body, despite slipping
back into their grave-dirt and ruins and shrouds, all of a sudden,
women are no longer able to resist them.
Female sexuality
as deviant by default:
of The Mysterious Stranger would
“rather be tyrannized over, and kept a little under” than “loved
in such a wearisome manner.” The suitor whom she thus insults is
the quiet, kind and cultured Franz, a man who 'serves' her in very
much the way traditional Christian rhetoric suggests that Christ
serves the Church. She, of course, refuses to submit to his
affections. Yet despite her scorn, Franz is the perfect Enlightenment
man, a being of the head rather than the body, a creature of reason,
not of instinct. It is ironic, therefore, that she levels at him the
charge of effiminacy because he does not present something that
appeals to her sexuality. Each evidence of his 'true' masculinity is
seen as a flaw. Because Franz is rational, she finds him wearisome,
because Franz is prudent, she believes him cowardly, because Franz is
chivalrous, she thinks him lacking in spirit. Of course, from the
moment she meets Azzo Von Klatka - ugly, rude, animalistic - she is
utterly taken with him.
“Women, eh?”
we're supposed to say, reading from the script of 'Nice Guys'
everywhere, “Look at everything I've done for her and she
runs off with that jerk.” But
then, that's women for you, isn't it? Irrational. Dangerous. Sexually
deviant. They sleep with lepers, you know?
women of Dracula don't
fare much better. Oh, the don't seek out the vampire with quite
Franziska's single-mindedness, but there is something of duplicity
implied about them. Of course, with their 'man-brains' they do not
want the vampire to attack them, but in their 'woman-hearts?' Why,
Mina even states, “I was bewildered and, strangely enough, I did
not want to hinder him.”
How do we explain
in what is probably the novel's finest double entendre,
Dracula announces that the men
“should have kept their energies for use closer to home.”
Yes, “While they
played their wits against me... I was countermining them. And you,
their best beloved one, are now to me flesh of my flesh, blood of my
blood... You shall be avenged in turn, for not one of them but shall
minister to your needs.”
Who wouldn't want that? |
simply, guys, while you're too busy being macho men, your girlfriend
will be getting her kicks by sucking off some backwoods freakshow
with hairy palms.
If there was ever an exercise in heterosexual male paranoia...
message of Dracula, of
The Mysterious Stranger is
that women, however good, however pure, are not to be trusted. They
are the flaw by which these entities are able sneak into your circle,
they will be turned against you by their inexplicable lusts. Oh, of
course, they might be the sweetest, kindest, most sensible of women;
they may be the most feminine creatures you can imagine, but when
push comes to shove, it is that effeminacy that will show through.
Effeminacy is nature, it seems, femininity is the construct of
isn't even the vampire's fault, you know, the narratives are pretty
clear on that: these women will not want to
hinder him.
Male desire,
feminine perversity:
Men, of course,
fine upstanding, mindful creatures that they are, don't find
themselves drawn to such revolting beasts as Dracula or Von Klatka.
No. The female vampires that seduce them are much more alluring. Oh,
evil, sure, but there is enough there for the attraction to be
understandable, even natural, in some measure.
as Carmilla is beautiful, forward and unsettling, Harriet Brandt
(1897) is “slight and lissome” and desperately improper, Sarah
(1900) has a face that is “beautiful in spite of its horror”. The
women in Dracula are
of “intolerable, tingling sweetness”, they have a “deliberate
voluptuousness” which is both “thrilling and repulsive.” It's
no wonder the men are attracted to
them really – they have all manner of female wiles with which to
ensnare him. They do it through that time honoured means, through an
appeal to his base nature, through exciting his... flesh.
Your classic vamp. |
The important thing to remember is that
men aren't
weird about it.
These girls are hot. The desire of the heroes is understandable,
given the circumstances. It is sinful, yes, but it is
straight-forward rather than duplicitous and self-deceiving. Men are
drawn in by these women's deliberate wiles, not led astray by their
own, faulty natures.
And these vampire
women are studies in effeminacy, too. They are not soft, they are not
retiring. If anything they suffocate, they engulf. Gone is Carmilla's
light, tripping intensity. Dracula's 'brides', Lucy Westernra and
Countess Sarah are seductive, voluptuous. Harriet, more sympathetic,
is eager, girlish, hungry for attention, for love, and it is this
neediness that smothers those she adores.
The fear against
them is simple: these women want. They grasp, they summon. Oh,
yes, they are pretty, they are alluring, but to allow these women in,
to allow one's lust for them to arise, is to to be seduced, to be
made unclean, to be bitten. This, indeed, is a feature of Victorian
vampire fiction: one need not, as in the modern myth, 'consent'. One
does not need to does not need to drink of the vampire's blood to be
turned. In order to be corrupted, all that is needed is to yield to
that seduction, to allow oneself to succumb to that bite.
If the
men forget their virility, their upstanding virtue and yield,
if they show a moment of feminine softness, let
themselves be governed by their bodies rather than their minds,
then these tempters in such
pleasing array will slide in and make leaky vessels of the menfolk,
too. Gone will be good sense, intelligence, honest chivalry,
worthwhile pursuits. They will be degraded, become decadent,
indolent, hysterical, effete. Masculinity will fly out of the window.
They will become, in short, effeminate.
But the cause of
this is not some inherent flaw of masculinity. Oh, no. The blame is
upon these damnable women for desiring, for wanting, for –
as the phrase goes – 'asking for it.'
Essentially, you
have the classic double bind: it is always the woman's fault.
Vampire women
symbolise the lust which will capture a man if his energies are not
properly spent. While it is better to marry than to burn, it's better
still to be out doing masculine, homosocial things and leaving that
wife at home. Sexuality might be a natural drive, but getting so hung
up on it, y'know, actually spending time with your missus? That's
Women, of course,
are another matter. If you do leave the wife at home, the bizarre
perversity of her nature will mean she is not content sitting alone
and practicing short-hand – or whatever it is these girls get up
to. No. She will allow entrance to a vampire, that weird looking cove
who really is repellent in all ways. Yes, the vampire man, that's who
she wants, the one who symbolises all that energy that women just
cannot expend healthily, all that eternally possible sexuality that
cannot be trusted in anyway. Look, when it happens to the ladies, it
isn't like you nearly getting bitten that time, no. This is perverse.
Hysterical lot, the
females, aren't they?
If they're not
utterly overpowered by those wandering wombs, a woman has a very
definite place in vampire fiction. That place is... er... not doing
whatever it is that she is doing.
Part Three: Won't Somebody think of the Children